How to Clean Your AC Vents
It’s that time of the year when you should really start preparing to get your air conditioning running at its optimal level so it is ready for the sizzling summer heat we experience every year in Florida. An important factor to keep in mind is that clean air vents will help save you money on both cooling and heating your house. Not only will clean air vents help save you money, but it ensures that dirt, dust, hair, pollen and other allergens are not spreading and flowing throughout your entire house.
In order to effectively clean your air vents, you will need a few supplies that you likely have lying around the house. You will need a ladder, screwdriver, soap, water, a cleaning/scrubbing brush, and a vacuum (a heavy-duty vacuum is recommended).
To get started, first you will need to turn off the power to your air conditioning and heating system. Next, depending on where they are located, grab a ladder if needed and unscrew all of the air vent covers from the ceiling, walls, or floors. With warm soapy water and your scrub brush, clean all of the air vent covers and then rinse them off with fresh clean water. Next, lay them off to the side somewhere to dry. While they are drying, grab your heavy-duty vacuum and vacuum the ducts as thoroughly as you can. Renting a heavy-duty vacuum is a good idea because the standard vacuum does not have a very long hose to reach deep into the ducts and it is usually not powerful enough to draw all of the debris from the crevices inside the ducts. We recommend wearing a mask if you have not cleaned your vent covers or ducts in a while so you do not inhale any of the debris during the cleaning process.
If you need a more thorough cleaning or are unable to clean your air vents for some reason, please call Benson’s Heating & Air Conditioning. We’ll be happy to come out and clean them for you!